Tuesday 3 January 2012

Victoria Irvine University

An interesting NONSTANDARD organisation in the virtual on-line Higher Education sector.
Based in Glasgow/UK there is a lot of US spellings (program; center)
The "Our Experts" section has definitely come from a US source and most of the site does not deliver actual information just constant links to an enquiry email (and .co.uk at that!)
There is no concrete information or verified contacts. All very vague and American-sounding

Friday 9 December 2011

Bransfield University

Bransfield University www.bransfield.ac is no longer on the internet and active. Bransfield was a totally fictitious virtual university. They used the intellectual property rights of bona-fide universities both in the UK and overseas to make a virtual university that could be used for fraudulent purposes. This type of scam could damage the good standing and reputation of accredited universities.  Accredited universities have transparent quality systems, value for money and established peer review. Bransfield had none of the quality attributes of a traditional university and was just a shell for non-academic activities.  

Thursday 8 December 2011


This is the blog of the JISC Group NONSTANDARD, which is an email list for members of the AC.UK community of established regulated universities and colleges and related institutes across the United Kingdom.
Why have we made this email list and blog?
This list and blog is to identify and raise awareness of universities, colleges and related organisations, which are outside the normal audited quality systems of UK educational establishments. Most universities and colleges are ac.uk. Please alert us of non ac.uk institutes.